Saturday 5 December 2015

Lawn Alternatives That Save Water

Frequent droughts have taught all Californian’s the value of water conservation. One of the most important ways to save water and reduce your utility bills is by changing your lawn. Non-native grasses struggle to survive. These common alternatives can give you a beautiful lawn that needs less water.

1. Turf

If you enjoy the green color and barefoot wonders of grass, this water-free option is the way to go. While turf costs more for installation, you will quickly get the money back with zero maintenance costs.

2. Rocks

General ground cover gives you many waterless options. Decorative gravel can offer wonderful blends of colors that don’t exist in the plant world. Rock lawns can often be more enchanting than traditional plants.

3. Xeriscaping

This is the method of planting drought-resistant plants to adorn the lawn. Appropriate choices will require little to no watering, no matter how fierce the drought becomes. The low effort required to tend the plants is another plus.

There are many more alternatives that can reduce your water burden. Whatever you choose, you will find upkeep is easier, your bills are less severe and your conscious is lighter. You can see a myriad of options for gravel in Gilroy by following the links and exploring the website.

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